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Going beyond the turbulence and worries of the conscious mind

There's more to life than meets the eye. Beyond the diversity of everyday experience, with its ups and downs, joys and sorrows, is a field of energy and intelligence that does not change. This field of intelligence governs everything, for example an apple tree will always grow from an apple seed.

Given the right opportunity, it is the natural tendency of the mind to gain access to this field within. This is transcending. Transcending simply means to "go beyond". Beyond the turbulence and worry on the conscious thinking level of the mind towards the bliss of the field of intelligence within.

The pace of change is speeding up but many people cannot cope with it because they lack the ability to access the field of intelligence within. Life becomes a struggle. This lack is the root cause of civilisation's discontent, but until now it has remained hidden, unrecognised.


There is an ancient technique to activate the process of transcending. It has been lost and found repeatedly through the millennia.
The Indian book of life, the Veda, tells of an ideal civilisation that had no crime or disease. With the passage of time, transcending was forgotten by all but a few. Meditation, now again, is widely used and acclaimed in the modern world, but this unique experience of transcending is gained through a special technique of meditation called Transcendental Meditation.

Easiness Explained

The internationally standardised TM technique, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, restores man's awareness of transcending and its practical application in achieving fulfilment, both materially and spiritually.
Transcending during TM is easy. So easy that it can occur during the very first instruction by a certified teacher. It is not a skill that takes years or even hours to accomplish. During personal instruction you can discover right then what was there all the time.
If your chosen meditation technique is not easy it is because it is not transcendental. Any conscious effort in meditation actually prevents transcending. It confines the mind to the conscious thinking level. For example certain mindfulness techniques can involve effort.
With the right guidance, transcending goes by itself. Nature does it, not us! It is as automatic as breathing.

Realise your full potential

The benefits of the regular experience of Transcendental Meditation - about 20 minutes, morning and evening – accumulate throughout your life. During meditation, every time the mind takes a gentle dive within by transcending, more of the qualities of this silent inner field of intelligence are absorbed into everyday activity: such as energy, clarity, creativity, intelligence, and self-sufficiency.
In time and with regular practice, one becomes happier, clearer and calmer. We start to unfold and realise more of our inner potential.

Successful People Meditate

Life has a natural tendency to evolve and grow. That is why the mind's natural tendency to transcend is simple and easy. We sit doing virtually nothing and the mind settles down of its own accord.

The secret of restful alertness

Physically, Transcendental Meditation provides a special quality of rest, different from that of other types of meditation, ordinary relaxation, and sleep – and in some ways deeper. It is an integrated state of restful alertness, characterised by slow alpha brain waves. Regular practice of the technique allows the accumulated effect of stress to be gradually and automatically eliminated, with regular practice of the technique.
During Transcendental Meditation, blood vessels tend to relax and dilate, improving blood flow, and chemicals associated with stress and anxiety, such as cortisol and lactic acid, decrease.

The evolving brain

During Transcendental Meditation, the brain becomes more integrated in its functioning, as the mind settles. This is characterised by unusually high EEG coherence in the resting alpha frequency, in the frontal lobes as well as elsewhere, which is highly exceptional. It is not seen in other types of meditation. In this state, coordination of different brain areas is facilitated, and the vicious cycle of stress is broken. This is the basis of the increased creativity, improved cognitive performance, and holistic development of personality seen in regular TM practitioners.

Some psychologists have suggested that transcending is the key to "unfreezing" human development and naturally achieving higher levels of emotional and cognitive intelligence.

TM and creativity
  • BBC on TM

    Meditation lowers blood pressure

    Transcendental meditation may be one way to keep the heart healthy, say researchers who have discovered how it keeps blood pressure low.

  • The Guardian on TM

    Does TM work?

    First he tried sleep apps, then a flotation tank, then mindfulness – but nothing would stop the chatter in Stuart Heritage's increasingly exhausted mind. Would Transcendental Meditation, currently enjoying a revival, do the trick?" Read more

  • Financial Times on TM

    Meditate to sharpen your assertive edge

    "It's unlikely [aggressive Type-A personalities] will be de-fanged and turned into a Type-B, by meditating. But they might feel less tense'."

  • Time on TM

    TM for PTSD

    Time Magazine: TM for PTSD "a peer-reviewed study finds that TM may have helped to alleviate symptoms of PTSD and improve quality of life in veterans of OEF/OIF with combat-related PTSD."

Cameron Diaz

"I got them all to learn TM. It was the most dynamic holiday .... All of a sudden they had this new tool that they never had before."

David Lynch

"It's a beautiful, beautiful thing"

Ray Dalio & Martin Scorcese

"It brought me a clarity"
"That 20 mins is a god send"

Bob Roth

Experience the source of thought